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I want a strong social Europe - inclusive and diverse - as we are! 

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

"Why-How-What? A Day on the European Union" event in Luxembourg

On Oct 26, I participated at the event "Why- How- What: A Day on the European Union" in Luxembourg, organised by the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) and the Luxembourgish General Confederation of Public Services (CGFP).

I was invited to deliver a speech on Social Europe, from its origins to its future, highlighting everything the European Union has done for more tan 500 million citizens over it's history and what can we expect for the future, in light of the upcoming European Elections 2024.

I want a strong Social Europe, inclusive and diverse, as we are! But unfortunately we still do not have the same rights, equal treatment, the same protections, chances and opportunities to succeed....

My speech focused on the history of the EU, from being an economical and trade Union to the EU of today, guided by the European Pillar of Social Rights, with a European Heath Card, a Work-Life Directive that introduced parental leave, a Child Guarantee to help those children in need and an upcoming EU Disability Card and Parking Card where I will be very engaged in its negotiations.

Following my speech, I joined other Members of the European Parliament and the CESI Director and Secretary General in a discussion on how to tackle Euroscepticism, where I stated that education is key, and how programs like Erasmus+ help young Europeans embrace other cultures, languages and develop a sense of being "European".

Commissioner for Employment Nicolas Schmit delivered a closing speech and we had the chance to discuss the latest developments in files and issues that are crucial in the last months of the current mandate, like the Directive on Improving Conditions for (digital) Platform Workers or an update on my report on Quality Traineeships.

Watch my intervention on Social Europe and our discussion on combatting Euroscepticism here:

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