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Cabo Verde celebrates the Day of the Cape-Verdean Woman


Updated: Apr 4, 2024

OMCV's President Eloisa Cardoso Gonçalves and Cabo Verde’s First Lady Débora Katisa Carvalho
OMCV's President Eloisa Cardoso Gonçalves and Cabo Verde’s First Lady Débora Katisa Carvalho

27 March marks the Dia da Mulher Cabo-verdiana (Day of the Cape-Verdean Woman). For the occasion, the Organização das Mulheres de Cabo Verde (OMCV/Women’s of Cabo Verde Association) organised a high-level event and celebrated their 43 anniversary.


I was honored to speak on my experience as a Cape-Verdean descent in the diaspora telling my story as a daughter of migrants and how, with education, strength, discipline and motivation became the politician I am today. Watch my speech here:

The event opened with a speech by Cabo Verde’s First Lady Débora Katisa Carvalho and OMCV's President Eloisa Cardoso Gonçalves, followed by panel discussions on the history of Cape-Verdean women.

OMCV was fundamental for the inclusion of women's rights in legislative work plans, being seen as a catalyst for the Family Code and the Abortion Decriminalisation Law, approved in the 1980s.

The country is quite progressive when it comes to women’s rights, but there is still a pay gap, with men earning average 15% more than women, gender-based violence increased 16% since 2022, there are many cases of sexual abuse of girls, and this is worrying.

That same week I participated as speaker in an event "Success Stories: Women Entrepreneurs in the Cape-Verdean Diaspora" by Workin’ Cabo Verde with inspiring testimonies from Cape Verdean women entrepreneurs sharing experiences and practical tips for overcoming obstacles.

During my visit to the islands, I also had the chance to meet Marisa Andreia Carvalho, President of the Gender Equality Institute (ICIEG), overseen by the Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion.


The Day of the Cape-Verdean woman is a moment of celebration, of recognition of the role of Cape-Verdean women, but above all an anniversary that instigates a deep reflection on the challenges that women still face in Cape Verde in realizing their rights and aspirations as human beings and as citizens.

Read the article IN FRENCH.

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