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The future European economy can only be competitive if it guarantees equal chances and opportunities for all


We discussed in Plenary about quality jobs that should boost Europe’s future economy

This week we discussed in Plenary at the European Parliament about quality jobs that should boost Europe’s future economy, but therefore, we need skilled workforce which we are currently lacking.


In order to get that, we must guarantee quality education -accessible and inclusive for all- ,

meaning the less-privileged and marginalised groups too. We need a legal basis for traineeships that best prepare for these jobs, especially youth, and that are fairly remunerated, as I requested in my Quality Traineeships initiative report. Therefore I call upon Commissioner Schmit to put forward a legal proposal before end of mandate. 


The future European economy can only be competitive if it guarantees equal chances and opportunities for all. Only together, we can succeed.  

Watch my speech below:


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